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NESALL - Where Champions are Born




Northeast Santa Ana Little League

California District 30


The following plan has been established for Northeast Santa Ana Little League Baseball and Softball activities while protecting and supporting our player’s health, practice social distancing, limit large gatherings, and minimize risks of COVID-19. An approved copy of this document can be found in the local league’s Safety Plan.





Competitive Teams

Team roster should not exceed 14 players per team on any given game or practice day.

·        8-14 players maximum per team is permitted on one playing field at one time

All Players for Both Competitive and Non-Competitive Teams

·        Players will be situated in their team dugout (or on designated bleacher area) such that they remain 6 feet apart. In the event that players cannot remain six feet apart in the dugout, they shall wear face coverings as required by applicable guidelines.

·        Players are encouraged to put their equipment bag outside the dugout or in their designated personal spot within the dugout (either below the bleacher or hanging on the fence). Personal bat, helmet and other game use equipment should be kept under their designated seat until the equipment needs to be used.

·        Players shall only use their own game equipment—no sharing of equipment (exception of shared equipment is the game ball). If a team bat is being used, the bench coach will wipe it down with a sanitizing wipe after each player’s use. If catcher’s equipment is shared it will be wiped down and/or sprayed with sanitizing solution after each player’s use.



ALL Teams

League-approved adult volunteers are permitted to be involved with each team per each game per NESALL Local Rules.

·        1 Team Manager per team.

o   As guidelines require, shall wear face covering when unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing. Managers and coaches shall set a good example for their players to follow proper safety protocols.

·        2-3 Dugout Coaches per team

o   Retrieves and wipes down bats with sanitizing wipe after each player’s at bat.

o   Enforces social distancing of players while in designated dugout.

o   If required, enforces players wearing face covering while in designated dugout.

o   As guidelines require, shall wear face covering when unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing. Managers and coaches shall set a good example for their players to follow proper safety protocols.

·        A parent volunteer may be used to help the dugout coach to monitor the players seated in the bleachers

o   Assists manager with communicating batting order for players in the bleacher area.

o   Enforces social distancing of players while in designated bleacher area.

o   As guidelines require, enforces players wearing face covering while in designated bleacher area

o   As guidelines require, shall wear face covering when unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing. Managers and coaches shall set a good example for their players to follow proper safety protocols.

Non-Competitive Teams

Due to the age, developmental level, and physical abilities of the players within the non-competitive divisions (Tball, Coach Pitch, “A”, Challenger), additional approved adult volunteers are permitted, but not required, during defensive play,

·        There will be a maximum of 4 approved volunteers (1 Team Manager, 2 Dugout Coaches, 1 Adult Volunteer). Exceptions may be made where additional volunteers are needed to assist with the team while maintaining social distancing and applicable guidelines.

·        For Challenger Division, there may be special circumstances requiring additional one-on-one assistance to players

·        Board of Director approval will be required to include additional volunteers during games and practices (as needed to play), unless otherwise approved in the NESALL Local Rules.

·        As guidelines require, shall wear face covering when unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing.  Managers and coaches shall set a good example for their players to follow proper safety protocols.



·        Umpire (Required for all competitive games)

o   Positioned to meet social distancing requirements.

o   As guidelines require, shall wear face covering while on the field of play and unable to maintain 6 feet of social distancing. 

·        Scorekeeper (Required for all competitive games)

o   One designated scorekeeper for each game—no exceptions

o   Scorekeeper to sit in score booth or designated scorer’s area—only one person in the score booth

§  The scorekeeper will also keep the pitch count

§  A family group member may be used as a pitch counter

o   As guidelines require, shall wear face coverings when unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing. 

o   Pencils and other scorekeeper supplies will be supplied by the league only when requested.  If league supplies are used, they should be sanitized after each person’s use.  Scorekeeper is encouraged to bring their own pencils, erasers, pens

·        Board Member on Duty (Minimum of one board member per game time slot)

o   Board Member on Duty will manage the entire operation of the field(s) on game days.

o   Board Member on Duty will be assisted by a Safety Coordinator when there are multiple games scheduled during the same time slot.

§  Teams shall provide one volunteer per game to assist the Board Member of the Day and Safety Coordinator in enforcing social distancing guidelines.

o   As guidelines require, Board Member on Duty shall wear a face covering when they are unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing during interaction with others.

o   Player & Spectator Management.

§  Traffic control to limit congregation of groups.

§  Remind spectators of social distancing guidelines—6 feet apart; encourage face coverings when unable to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

§  During game, remind players, coaches and umpires about social distancing plan and protocol with equipment.

·        Safety Coordinator (Assistant to Board Member on Duty on game days)

o   The league Safety Coordinator will be one adult designated to assist the Board Member on Duty during game days when there are multiple games scheduled during the same time slot.

o   Safety Coordinator will educate and enforce social distancing among players and spectators.

o   Safety Coordinator will communicate with all participants of the game and all spectators in a friendly, yet firm, manner that all social distancing protocol must be adhered to during their time at the field.

o   As guidelines require, Safety Coordinator shall wear a face covering when they are unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing during interaction with others.





·        Players are not to use bat racks or helmet racks. They are to keep personal equipment in their designated spots.

·        Bats, helmets, gloves are not to be shared between players.

o   If a player is using a “team” bat, that bat will be kept in the bat rack and will be cleaned with a sanitizing wipe after each use.

·        Catchers must have their own equipment.

o   League can provide gear for each game that is used by only one player per day, unless the equipment is sanitized after each player’s use.

o   Borrowed league’s catcher’s gear is to be wiped down with sanitizing wipe prior to reuse.

·        Players to keep their own equipment in their own bag.

·        Bats are retrieved by player if out at first.

·        Bats are retrieved by dugout coach if player reaches base safely—dugout coach to wipe down bat with sanitizing wipe and set on side of dugout for player to retrieve upon reentering dugout and place in their own equipment bag.



·        Umpires are encouraged to use their own umpire gear. The umpire calling balls and strikes will be positioned six-feet behind the pitcher and will not be issued gear from the league.

·        If any items are provided to the umpires (such as count clickers, etc.) the items must be wiped down with sanitizing wipe prior to reuse of gear.





·        Players to arrive to the game site no earlier than 30 minutes before the game time for warm-ups, unless part of a team activity where players are able to socially distance and avoid congregating as set forth herein.

·        Players are not to congregate within a group prior to taking the field to warm up, except as set forth above

o   Home team to warm up on left field.

o   Visitor team to warm up on right field.

·        Each team encouraged to follow social distancing guidelines during warm-ups, if distancing cannot be followed masks shall be worn as required by applicable guidelines:

o   Stretching—separate in a space to allow 6 feet apart.

o   Running—run as a team spaced 6 feet apart.

o   Throwing—ensure throwing distance is at least 6 feet apart.

o   Defense warm-up—when taking grounders, players awaiting their turn should be spaced from the other players at least 6 feet apart.

o   Pitcher/catcher warm-ups in bullpen only; coach is to maintain a distance of 6 feet from players during instruction; coach to wear face covering at all times while in the bullpen.



·        For the Pledge of Allegiance and/or Little League Pledge—players will line up along their dugout side baseline, spread out down the baseline, at least 6 feet apart, to recite both pledges.

o   Managers and coaches will line up behind their players, closer to the dugout; managers/coaches to remain 6 feet from each other and minimum of 6 feet from their players.

o   Umpire to stand at home plate during pledges at a minimum distance of 6 feet from a player or adult.

·        For the plate meeting, managers from both teams will meet the umpire at the plate—all parties are required to wear a face covering during the plate meeting.



·        Players are encouraged to use hand sanitizer as frequently as possible during the game.

o   Players should have a personal bottle of sanitizer kept in their equipment bag.

·        No group gatherings at home plate following a home run.

·        No high fives or handshakes following a play or game.

·        Dugout coach to wipe down player’s bats after use.

·        Players are to bring their own water/Gatorade for use during their game—no team water jugs or ice chests are permitted; players are not to share their drinks or snacks with anyone.

·        Sunflower seeds are not allowed at any time.

·        If an injury occurs, managers and coaches should continue to follow social distancing / handwashing / sanitizing protocols and engage the parents and/or guardians where additional contact is required.



·        There will be no “good game” high-five line.

·        Players will line up along their dugout side baseline, spread out down the baseline, at least 6 feet apart, and tip their caps to the opposing team.

·        Manager/Coach to say a few words to their team while their players are lined up on baseline to acknowledge good play and sportsmanship, thank the umpires and the volunteers.

·        Congregation of teams/players is not allowed at the game site—there is to be no after-game team meeting at the game site unless social distancing protocols can be maintained.

·        Players and families will be asked to leave the game site within 20 minutes of the game concluding.


SPECTATORS AT THE GAME SITE (Spectators are defined as parents, caregivers, siblings, family, fans).

·        Spectators will be allowed per appliable guidelines.

·        Spectators should try to limit their time at the field prior to game time when possible, based on child’s age and needs.

·        Spectators are recommended not to congregate in a group outside of their stay-at-home family group.

·        Spectators will not be allowed to stand behind the home plate area within 6 feet of the backstop unless maintaining proper social distancing.

·        Bleachers may be closed to spectators if appropriate social distancing cannot be maintained; bleachers will be given priority to be used as an extra area for players, managers, and coaches who are participating in a game.

·        All spectators will sit outside the field fence at least 6 feet away from the dugout/field entrance. Chairs, blankets, etc., may be set up by spectators.

·        Designated Distancing areas will be marked along foul lines and behind the home run fences if Bleachers are unavailable.

·        Unless guidelines allow for larger groups, there should be no more than 10 people sitting together in a “family group;” the “family group” is only to include their stay-at-home family.

·        There should be at least 10 feet between each “family group” along the fence line.





·        Food or concession sales will be allowed at facilities if permitted by applicable local guidelines. Safety protocols and guidelines must be followed.

·        Families are encouraged to bring their own snacks.

·        There will be limited outdoor seating areas available in an effort to limit any congregation (picnic benches or tables).

·        Hand sanitizer will be available at the facility.




Field maintenance equipment to include, but not be limited to, rakes, field drags, shovels, paint/chalk sprayers, and hoses. Field maintenance equipment will only be handled by a maximum of two persons per team who will be designated as the “field crew”.

·        Field crew to be the only person(s) to use the field maintenance equipment.

·        Field crew to wear gloves during all field maintenance or to hand sanitize prior to working—including set up and tear down.

·        Field maintenance equipment to be wiped down after each use.

·        Paint/chalk sprayer push handle to be wiped down with sanitizing wipes after use.





·        Facilities are equipped with hand sanitizer stations throughout and hand washing in the restrooms. 

·        All restrooms will be serviced and wiped down regularly and will be stocked with soap for hand washing.

·        Trash cans will be touchless; lids will remain open when field site is open to players/spectators.

·        Facilities entered by the public will be wiped down at the beginning and end of the day.



·        Informational signage will be posted throughout the field(s) regarding infection control, social distancing and the use of face coverings if within 6ft of another individual and gloves.

·        No visitors who are unrelated to a player or sales representatives or outside distributors will be allowed at the field.

·        Drinking fountains will be removed or covered or converted into a hand washing station.





·        Team practice protocol shall align with all game day guidelines and protocol

o   No sharing of equipment.

o   Proper social distance spacing during warm-up, practice drills and batting.

o   Hand sanitizer to be used by players before and after use of any equipment and transition of offense and defense drills.

o   As guidelines require, players to wear a face covering if they are unable to practice standard social distancing.

·        Enforcing social distancing, use of face coverings and sanitizing equipment shall be the sole responsibility of each team manager, team coach(es) and/or other approved adult league volunteer that is organizing a team practice.

·        Player’s participation in team practice is at the sole discretion of the player’s parent/caregiver; there will be no repercussion on game day for any player who does not attend a team practice.





·        All league members and visitors to the fields will be reminded of their responsibility to adhere to personal prevention actions including:

o   Stay home when sick or having symptoms of becoming sick (i.e., symptoms of respiratory illness, fever, or cough).

o   Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

o   Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, dispose of the tissue and wash hands immediately after.  If tissue is not available, cough or sneeze in elbow

o   Do not touch eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands

o   Avoid contact with people who are sick or who are exhibiting symptoms of being sick

o   Avoid sharing items

o   Always maintain the recommended minimum of 6 feet separation from others

o   As required by applicable guidelines, wear a face covering when unable to practice 6 feet of social distancing

o   Sanitize frequently touched objects and surfaces

o   Be kind to others and their stances on the situation

·        NESALL to follow CDC contact tracing and quarantine guidelines for those who contract or are exposed to COVID-19.



·        All league members and visitors will be reminded of the importance of social distancing while at the fields as well as in all other environments

·        A minimum of 6 feet of social distancing should be maintained at all times

·        Face coverings are recommended to be worn to increase protection when unable to socially distance

·        Continued efforts to sanitize facilities, equipment, and areas and items of common touch points will be made



·        Board Members and league officials will maintain ongoing communication with all members of the league to include all players/managers/coaches/spectators at the field to limit any violation of the safety protocols

o   All players/managers/coaches/spectators will be reminded that any violation of the social distancing and safety protocols will jeopardize the continued operation and opening of Little League games

o   Any player/manager/coach/spectator who refuses to adhere to the protocols after sufficient notice and warning will be asked to leave the field site.  This may be enforced by any NESALL Board Member. 





These guidelines were established to allow our children the opportunity to play sports. These guidelines reflect the recommendations and views of the community and health care providers. Youth sports and local businesses are required to follow COVID-19 safety and preventive guidelines to remain open and active.


The following persons may be contacted regarding this protocol:





Dwayne Angebrandt

League President

[email protected]

Julio Velasco

League Safety Officer


Denny Curran

District Administrator

[email protected]




By entering the facilities and participating at NESALL, parents and guardians understand and agree that these guidelines are necessary for their child(ren) to play Little League and that refusal to follow these guidelines may prevent Little League from remaining open for play and that they may be asked to leave the game site if they do not abide by these guidelines. Parents and guardians will be required to sign an acknowledgment indicating their understanding and agreement with the protocols herein and required to waive and indemnify NESALL, the City of Santa Ana, and SAUSD prior to participating in any activities at the NESALL Fields. 


The safety of our community starts at home.  Parents and guardians must follow the following for themselves and their children entering the facilities:

  • Staying home if you are sick or do not feel well, and what to do if you’re sick or feel ill.
  • Using social distancing to maintain a distance of 6 feet between others in all areas of the facility.
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of the elbow. Used tissues should be thrown into the trash.
  • Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and rub hand together until dry.
    • Young children should be supervised to ensure they are using sanitizer safely.
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Using cloth face coverings as feasible. Face coverings are most essential in times when social distancing is difficult. Cloth face coverings should not be placed on:
    • Children younger than 2 years old
    • Anyone who has trouble breathing
    • Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance


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